Ed Kollmer Centurion

Joined: 12 Apr 2006 Posts: 1018
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:52 pm Post subject: C5N Achaean League |
Achaean League (cont)
Suddenly the flames jumped higher. Startled by the suddenness of the flame, he grasped his pen and wrote quickly. The visions came so quickly.
“Too fast …….too rapid….” He muttered.
He wrote as fast as he could.
“After crossing the valley of Hudson, the brothers encountered the first of many antragonists. The Mountain Indians from Asia(Marc Cribbs). The field had three rough areas across the center. Persion, Parthio and Theoden drew up their line with the pike in the gaps and the Illyrians, Thracians and Peltasts in the roughs with the LI. The LC circled to the right with the Hoplites on the flanks. Even though the Illyrians and Peltasts did well in the center the LC and the LI could not withstand the bow fire of the Indians. Volley after volley also routed the Thracians also. The brothers retreated.”
The flames burned more fiercely. He scribed more quickly.
“Soon the brothers faced the next challenge. Ptolemy of Egypt(Jevon Garrett).
This time the left flank had three brushy hills, the brothers deployed the pike across the front with the Thracians and Illyrians between each and the Hoplites again on the flanks of the line. This time the LC circled left across the hill with the LI. The Peltasts were on the far right with the LI bow into the swamp on the far left. The Polemics center was pike and elephants. The Egyptians HC was on their right. The fighting was fierce in the center but the superior commanders successors to Alexander took the field. The League’s center broke. Heroic deeds were done on both sides. Once more the brothers drew back and reorganized.”
Schriftides rapidly changed pens and exhaled. His figures pained with the rapid writing. However, the flames burned even brighter.
“No time to rest…… write …..I must write………”
“Soon troops of iron appeared. Burgundians…..Burgundians(Ed Carmien). Now the field was open. A small stream angled on the Burgundian side of the field. Suddenly, a long line of LB archers faced the Achaean’s backed by units of Iron Knights. The brothers drew up similar to the Egyptians. The Achaeans attacked by the volley after volley of LB took their toll. Soon the Achaean line wavered. One pike unit managed to push back on LB unit from across the stakes.”
Just as rapidly as the flames burned, they dimmed. The sprite extinguished one after another and abruptly he heard.
“Your time is ended. Return to your repose.”
Schriftides exhaled and replaced his pen. Suddenly, he felt the peaceful embrace of the spirits. He rose and followed the flow. The darkness returned and the sprite followed after.
Hellenistic Greek CW#37 (Ed Kollmer)
Thracians,LMI,IrB,1/2 2HCW,Jls,sh
1/2 Jls,sh
Merc Peltast RegC,LMI,Lts,Jls,sh
Greek HC RegB,L
Tarantine LC RegC,Jls,sh
Hoplites(Epil)RegB,1/2 HI,Lts,sh
1/2 MI,Lts,sh
Hoplites(Cretan)RegB,1/2 HI,Lts,sh
1/2 MI,Lts,sh
Pike(red)RegB, 1/4 HI,P,sh
(slaves) 3/4 MI,P,sh
Pike(Bronze)RegB, 1/4 HI,P,sh
(Epilemtir) 3/4 MI,P,sh
Pike(Star)RegB, 1/4 HI,P,sh
(slaves) 3/4 MI,P,sh
Greek LC RegB,Jls
Greek LC RegB,Jls
Greek LC RegB,Jls
Greek LC RegB,L
Argive LI, RegC, Jls,sh
Archers LI,RegC,B
Javelinmen LI,RegC, Jls,sh |