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Easy Marsh/Bogs

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scott holder

Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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Location: Bonnots Mill, MO

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:23 pm    Post subject: Easy Marsh/Bogs

I've been casting about for an easy way to model marshes/bogs without going thru pouring some kind of acrylic epoxy (going for the model railroad look) or something expensive like Woodland Scenic's "Realistic Water". Plus, I want it to be portable so I can haul it back east as part of our preset terrain collection.

I started with this from Lowes:

That's a whopping 38 cents.

My first thought was to use the adhesive backing as a quick way to affix flocking. Eh, it works but not as well as you'd think.

I cut an irregular outline. One of the reasons I went with this uber cheap floor tile is that is easy to cut with regular scissors. Another reason is that it's flexible but not too flexible. Finally, it's thin.

I then pulled off the adhesive backing. I then slathered blue paint over the entire piece, heavy coated the paint. I used cheap ole latex paint we have for one of the colors in one of the rooms in our B&B.

Then I sprinkled flocking directly onto the paint, some heavy in spots. As you can see, I did a heavy outline in one piece. In the other, I sprinkled flocking less heavy around the perimiter and instead created a pattern over the entire piece.

On two pieces, I glued some Woodland Scenic shrubbery with carpenters glue to the still very wet paint. Let everything dry.

Next up was some additional painting. One the one piece, you can see that I dry brushed a darker blue. One another piece I painted distinct dark blue areas that are supposed to represent deeper holes in the marsh or bog. On top of that dark blue, I then put the same shaded polyurathane I use to dip figures. The third, small piece, I did the entire thing in polyurathane.

Of these three, my wife Sandra likes the one with the dark blue "pools". She actually thought from the angle and lighting that the effect was quite 3-D.

One drawback thus far: the pattern from the underneath area of the tile is visible despite the heavy paint. I'm going to buy two more tiles, paint them and shade them first, but this time glob water-based, clear acrylic caulk over the entire, painted surface. I'll then dry brush white on some of the clear acrylic. While the caulk is still wet, I'll flock the pieces like I did when the paint was still wet. The idea is to still be able to literally embed the flock and make a pattern of it that resembles a swamp/bog while at the same time provide a shinier surface to the water and, hopefully, cover up the pattern inherent in the underlying tile surface.

These Rules Suck, Let's Paint!
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Ed Kollmer

Joined: 12 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:54 am    Post subject:

I might try this. I usually like to put down rivers and marshy areas are helpful sometimes.
I think Matt might be trying this. He is into terrain lately.
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Joined: 02 May 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:25 am    Post subject: Marsh pictures look good

The marshes look really good.

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scott holder

Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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Location: Bonnots Mill, MO

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:10 pm    Post subject:

The assumption is that Eric will use them when setting up the tables at Hcon. I designed them so our small water features can be set on them creating a more integrated look.

I have also finished some vineyards. We can do one large one or two small ones. Combine that with the existing fruit trees for an orchard and we're looking pretty good terrain wise.


These Rules Suck, Let's Paint!
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